
Friday, October 26th 2012
Hilton Hotel, Le Diplomate Room

14.00 – 17.00

Clinical group
Coordinator: Corneliu Irimia

17.00 – 19.00
Matheus de Wolf  
The Developmental Metaphor in Psychoanalysis

Clinical group - moderator Corneliu Irimia
The ‘Weaving thoughts’ method will be used in the clinical group according to the article of Johan Norman and Björn Salomonsson (‘Weaving thoughts’: A method for presenting and commenting psychoanalytic case material in a peer group). The method consists in the free association of group members starting from the presentation of two successive sessions of psychoanalysis made by one of the group members (who would prepare in advance). The presentation will only contain what was discussed in the session, the presenter will not talk about the patient's history or about his/her countertransference. During the seminar, the person presenting the case shall not speak out.

Registrations for this clinical group can be made at the e-mail address:
Maximum number of participants: 14.
Participants can be candidates or associated members of the RSP,
Workshop length - 3 hours

Workshop - The Developmental Metaphor in Psychoanalysis
All those interested in the sunject can attend the workshop